Get groovy, empow­ered and walk the path of life that speaks about you!  The Nike AF1 sneak­ers are the media, Valenti­na is the artist. She will con­sult with you first, and then cus­tom-make your sneak­er to make your soul shine. End­less design and col­or schemes. Art­work is per­ma­nent and water protected. 

About The Artist

My name is Valenti­na Vidali and this is my new ven­ture, Vision Kicks.  Wel­come!    Exper­i­ment­ing with art, design, and hand­craft­ed objects has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remem­ber. I’ve worked in draw­ing, paint­ing, knit­ting, pho­tog­ra­phy, wood­work, and illus­tra­tion.  In 2015 I was intro­duced to a style of draw­ing called zen­tan­gle.  From then on I’ve been sketch­ing and draw­ing with the zen­tan­gle tech­nique on cards, book­marks, and wall posters.  This year I start­ed draw­ing on shoes with my own zen­tan­gleish designs.  I enjoy design­ing and draw­ing on shoes so much that time seems to fly by when I’m cre­at­ing them!   I am now want­i­ng to trans­form this pas­sion of mine into a more struc­tured busi­ness path, to keep cre­at­ing many more shoes for peo­ple all ages and design per­son­al­i­ties.  Tell me about your style and your vision in life!   I will make a zen­tan­gle shoe that express­es “you” to the world.

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