Summer Tennis Camp

Sum­mer Ten­nis Camp at Can­dler Park


When:  June 2–6(no extend­ed camp), June 9–13(no extend­ed camp), June 16–20, June 23–27, July 7–11, July 14–18, July 21–25; July 28–31

Time: 9:00–12:00 (extend­ed sports camp until 2:00 or 4:00 available)

Where: Can­dler Park

What: Lessons and games with Coach Iri­na

Who: Ages 5–12; all skill levels

Why: We LOVE Tennis 

Cost of camp: $55/day/12:00; $75/day/2:00; $95/day/4:00

Camp will be cancelled for inclement weather; option to join our sport camp in a gym

We are excit­ed to offer you our ten­nis camp this sum­mer, look below for dai­ly sched­ule. We can’t wait to see your kids make new friends, learn new strokes/master their exist­ing skills, prac­tice their lead­er­ship qual­i­ties, and learn the  ben­e­fits of team­work play­ing games on the court. 

Stu­dents need to have filled water bot­tle, sun block, prop­er shoes, ten­nis rack­et, and a hat. We have ten­nis rack­ets of dif­fer­ent sizes for new­bies, hand san­i­tiz­er as need­ed, bug spray and extra water to refill bottles.

Park has a restroom at the pool.

If it rains, change in sched­ule will be emailed ASAP.  If it rains dur­ing camp time, you will be con­tact­ed by text or phone call to pick up your child at the gaze­bo near the play­ground. Ten­nis coach phone num­ber will be provided. 

Ten­nis camp schedule

9:00  Arrival

9 10   Cir­cle time

9 20  Games/footwork/ stretch.

10 00 Water/snack/bathroom break

10 15 Day stroke introduction/drills/games

10 40 Water break / snack 

10 50 Games 

11 20 Water break

11 30 New stroke introduction/practice at the wall for advanced players

1140 Lunch / cir­cle time — revi­sion of skills learned

12:00 End

( kids are picked up or brought to Con­tact­Point sport camp by CP coaches )

Mon­day           Fore­hand stroke, fore­hand high volley 

Tues­day          Back­hand stroke, fore­hand high volley

Wednes­day   Intro­duc­tion to the serve

Thurs­day      Smash /overhead

Fri­day            Fore­hand, back­hand, serve, fore­hand volley.

Advanced begin­ners will be work­ing on next lev­el assign­ments to keep pro­gress­ing through the camp. 

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