Summer Camp 2025


Our out­door sum­mer sports camp in the park (Can­dler Park) will fea­ture a vari­ety of sports and activ­i­ties like soc­cer, flag foot­ball, bas­ket­ball, ulti­mate, dodge­ball, cap­ture the flag, kick­ball, hock­ey, play­ground time, and more! We will offer some POOL time as well dur­ing the week for those campers with permission.

When: June 16th-20th; June 23rd-June 27th; June 30th-July 3rd (4 days); July 7th-July 11th; July 14th-July 18th; July 21st-July 25th; July 28th-July 31st

Hours: 9:00–2:00/4:00

Ages 5–13; boys and girls. Camper/counselor ratio is 6:1

Camp will take place at Can­dler Park  light rain or shine. We have two shel­ters for pop up thunderstorms. 

We have an indoor gym option for inclement weather.

Cost: $65/day (sib­ling dis­counts available )

$20/day/extended care

Finan­cial Assis­tance Available

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