Pullman Yard Home Page


Pullman YardAtlanta Con­tact­Point, in part­ner­ship with the Savvy Foun­da­tion has pro­posed to the State of Geor­gia to acquire Pull­man Yard  and trans­form it from an aban­doned indus­trial site to active play fields and indoor activ­ity space. This 25-acre land locat­ed in the heart of Atlanta has more than 100,000 sq. feet of emp­ty his­toric build­ings just wait­ing to be utilized.


We pro­pose to reme­di­ate the envi­ron­men­tal aspects of the prop­erty; pre­serve and repur­pose the his­toric build­ings into indoor ath­letic, arts, office, and nutri­tional venues; and cre­ate a his­tor­i­cal muse­um high­light­ing the com­mu­nity and the train yard. We also pro­pose to con­vert the vacant land to mul­ti­pur­pose play fields for use by all chil­dren and adults 18 hours per day, 365 days per year.

pullman yardThe build­ings will be refit with ener­gy con­ser­va­tion sys­tems for solar, water, light­ing, and air­flow tech­nolo­gies. We aim to incor­po­rate MARTA, Atlanta Belt­line, PATH, and shut­tle sys­tems as alter­na­tive means of transportation.

This approach will ben­e­fit the over­all qual­ity of liv­ing for the entire Kirk­wood neigh­bor­hood, includ­ing its down town busi­ness devel­op­ment and con­nec­tion with the sur­round­ing comminities.

With the guid­ance of the Atlanta Regiona Com­mis­sion, we estab­lished a variey of part­ner­ships includ­ing pub­lic insti­tu­tions and pri­vate enter­prises, pri­vate and home schools, youth and adult sports leagues, civic and com­mu­ni­ty-based asso­ci­a­tions, and vol­un­teer­ing groups.

Please help us spread the word!  We will put a bid on the prop­erty as soon as the state allows.


There are also plans for a café fea­tur­ing food from our green­house gar­den and local farm­ers; retail space for sport­ing goods; med­ical space for health mon­i­tor­ing and phys­i­cal ther­apy; sports rentals; and stor­age for par­tic­i­pants’ gear.

In addi­tion, we are plan­ning an event space for per­form­ing arts, par­ties, fundrais­ers, and cor­po­rate out­ings. We will also have class­rooms for home schol­ars,  after-school stud­ies, and com­mu­nity workshops.


Pull­man Yard is locat­ed in the Kirk­wood neigh­bor­hood of Atlanta and is owned by the state of Geor­gia. It is sur­rounded by diverse com­mu­ni­ties of Edge­wood, East Lake, Can­dler Park, Lake Claire, and many more com­mu­ni­ties. These neigh­bor­hoods have a high res­i­dent den­sity and are in need of more phys­i­cal activ­ity space and access to recre­ational facil­i­ties. What’s more, there are five pub­lic high schools, 11 mid­dle schools, and 16 ele­men­tary schools rep­re­sent­ing 24,000 urban stu­dents locat­ed with­in a 5‑mile radius of site.

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