2025 After School for VHE, Spark, ML

 2025 Programs/Classes 


Trans­porta­tion pro­vid­ed from VHE, Mary Lin and SPARK 

ContactPoint L5P (502 Seminole Ave) is now for PreK-3rd graders; Monday-Friday with transpiration from Mary Lin, Spark, and VHE. Class runs until 4:00 or 5:00.  Cost is $25/day/4:00; $30/day/5:00. Our unique space offers a variety of sports, activities, and art options. Tree climbing is available on Monday, Wednesdays, Thursdays. Art studio is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Everyday has tree swings, riding toys, soccer, basketball, hockey, 4‑square, gaga, and more.  Classes start August 13th.

ContactPoint Candler Park (1500 McLendon Ave. 30307) is for 3rd-5th graders. Monday-Friday with transpiration from Mary Lin, Spark, and VHE. Class runs until 4:00 or 5:00.  Program consists of sports like basketball, soccer, kickball, dodgeball, capture the flag, flag football, and more! We will also have a resident art teacher for fun art projects. Cost is $20/day/4:00 and $30/day/5:00. Class starts August 5th.

ContactPoint Tennis at Candler Park is for K‑5th graders. Tennis will have 2 classes Monday-Friday. 2:30–3:45 and 3:45–4:45. Coaches will teach the basics of the game as well as play fun games to improve child’s coordination and fitness level. Mary Lin students will walk from school and participate in the 2:30–3:45 classes. We offer transportation to the courts for Spark and VHE students on ??? to participate in the 3:45–5:00 classes. Cost is $30/day; Classes start August 5th

ContactPoint Golf at Candler Park will take place Mondays and Fridays after school until 4:00 for 2nd-5th graders. Learn the fundamentals of the game and how to play on a course. This is for students who are truly willing to learn the game and focus on the curriculum.  Classes start September 9th. Cost is $35/day

Mary Lin LEEP Classes Monday Multi Sports, Tuesday Flag Football, Wednesday Basketball, Thursday Ultimate, Friday Run Club.  Starts Sept 9th, registration opens August 10th at 9:00 at MASP

Mon­day Classes

  1. CP L5P Sports, Tree climb­ing 2:30–4:00/5:00
  2. CP Sports/Art at Can­dler Park 2:30–4:00/5:00
  3. Ten­nis 2:30–3:45
  4. Ten­nis 3:45–4:45  
  5. Mul­ti Sports at ML (sign up MASP)
  6. Golf 2:30–4:00

Tues­day Classes

  1. CP L5P Sports, Art 2:30–4:00/5:00
  2. CP Sports/Art at Can­dler Park 2:30–4:00/5:00
  3. Ten­nis 2:30–3:45 
  4. Ten­nis 3:45–4:45
  5. Flag Foot­ball at Mary Lin (sign up MASP

Wednes­day Classes

  1. CP L5P Sports, Art, Tree climb­ing 2:30–4:00/5:00
  2. CP Sports/Art at Can­dler Park 2:30–4:00/5:00
  3. Ten­nis 2:30–3:45 
  4. Ten­nis 3:45–4:45 
  5. Bas­ket­ball at Mary Lin (sign up MASP)

Thurs­day Classes

  1. CP L5P Sports, Art, Tree climb­ing 2:30–4:00/5:00
  2. CP Sports/Art at Can­dler Park 2:30–4:00/5:00
  3. Ten­nis 2:30–3:45 
  4. Ten­nis 3:45–4:45
  5. Ulti­mate  at Mary Lin (sign up MASP)

Fri­day Classes

  1. CP L5P Sports 2:30–4:00/5:00
  2. CP Sports/Art at Can­dler Park 2:30–4:00/5:00
  3. Ten­nis 3:00–4:00
  4. Ten­nis 4:00–4:45
  5. Run Club at Mary Lin (sign up MASP)
  6. Golf 2:30–4:00

Cost for classes:

Con­tact­Point L5P $25/day/4:00; $30/day/5:00

CP Sports Can­dler Park $20/day/4:00; $30/day/5:00

Ten­nis $30/day 

Golf $35/day

Mary Lin Sports $22/day (pay through MASP)

CLICK HERE to contact us.

Click HERE to pay online

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