Events at: Bessie Branham Park Kirkwood
Parking: parking lot of recreation center or along the street; watch out for areas of no parking though
Cost: free
Age Range: supported sitter to 10 years
Ground Cover: packed rubber mulch in one area and free wood mulch in another. There are two distinctive areas of this playground.
Features: A very large and very nice playground featuring a separate toddler area that is large enough to support multiple toddlers. This area has a climbing tunnel, a music area, a slide, and a climbing ladder. Adjacent to the toddler area is a climbing dome and a stand alone race car wall. The main feature of the playground is the large play structure. This has several slides, one that is particularly high, a long bridge, several climbing features and balancing pads. Two large rock walls also connect the large feature. Other separate structures include baby swings and adult swings, monkey bars, see saw, and metal zip line.
Surrounding Park Area: recreation center, baseball diamond, large green space, and an Urban Treehouse where you can sit and overlook the whole area
Shade: There are several shady areas to this playground, although the main play structure is open air
Seating: Many benches and walls that adults can sit and watch the kids. There are also several picnic tables in the middle of the play area, that are shaded, where you can see all areas at once.
Stroller/Wheelchair Access: Yes. The only areas that would be difficult would be in the wood mulch.
Safety: The large play structure is very high and there are a couple of areas where a young child may not have the ability to do everything. Definitely spot your younger children!