PlayDay Atlanta Beltline – 10/19/2014


Togeth­er with local coach­es and orga­ni­za­tions, we will pro­vide a free day of sports, fit­ness, arts, and health education.

Come for skat­ing, soc­cer, bas­ket­ball, flag foot­ball, ulti­mate, lacrosse, kick­ball, dance, dodge­ball, mar­tial arts, vol­ley­ball, cap­ture the flag, rug­by, art, drum­ming, zum­ba, yoga, and more!

We will have fun activ­i­ties along the Atlanta Belt­LIne, East­side trail includ­ing a DRAGON GOAL for soc­cer games at our new space next to Urban Body Stu­dios; Urban Body Stu­dios, Primed Per­for­mance, and the Train­ing Room will have free adult class­es for PLAY DAY par­tic­i­pants; Paris on Ponce will have Hal­loween art activ­i­ties; and inter­ac­tive drum­ming Kuman­di Drum­ming on the North Ave bridge.

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